Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Iodine essays

Iodine papers Iodine is a fundamental macromineral. Practically a large portion of the iodine is found in the thyroid organ which is situated in the throat. Iodine is a significant segment of thyroid hormones, which control vitality, digestion in the body just as the bodys temperature, proliferation, and development. It isn't found in the body so it is important that you get around .15 mg. every day. A few nourishments, for example, vegetables, grains, table salt, dairy items, and particularly fish are the best wellsprings of iodine. Taking in ocean air regular will give you an adequate measure of iodine to forestall an infection called goiter. There are two kinds of goiter: poisonous and straightforward. Harmful goiter is brought about by abundance of thyroxin discharge. Side effects may incorporate fast heart beat, tremor, expanded perspiring, expanded craving, weight misfortune, shortcoming, and weakness. Different indications may incorporate eye issues, for example, gazing or bulge. Goiter influences more than 200 million individuals all through the world. 96% is brought about by iodine insufficiency. Goiters are uncommon in the U.S. also, other industrialized nations since iodine is presently added to table salt. Iodine influences body works as well. Hair and nail development are influenced by iodine. The mind, skin, discourse, teeth, vitality creation, digestion, and physical thyroid organ. Lack manifestations incorporate dry hair, goiter, scholarly handicap, delayed development, fractiousness, anxiety, and stoutness. On the off chance that a pregnant lady takes iodine during pregnancy, the advancement of goiter will be diminished for both the mother and the kid. Iodine is the most proficient treatment for kids who have goiter. Iodine has a drawback to it, as well. It isn't harmful up to 2,000 mcg day by day, however it might cause skin break out. An excessive amount of iodine is can connection to thyroid malignancy. A few people are delicate to iodine and may break out in a rash if their iodi... <! Iodine expositions Found : by Bernard Courtois in 1811 Beginning : The name is gotten from the Greek iodes, which means violet 1811-Iodine comes as dark, glossy gems that break down in liquor; the outcome is sold as a disinfectant arrangement. Iodine salts (iodides) are utilized in colors and photography, as modern impetuses and in the production of pharmaceuticals. Iodine is additionally a fundamental component for people, who require a day by day admission of iodine (as iodide) of about a tenth of a milligram (just 1/300,000th of an ounce). Our bodies contain up to 20 milligrams, mostly in the thyroid organ. Typically we get enough from the food we eat, however individuals eating food developed in territories where the dirt needs iodides can build up a swollen thyroid known as goiter. Bernard Courtois watches billows of purple fume ascending from mother alcohol of ocean growth debris fermented with sulphuric corrosive (utilized as a wellspring of sodium and potassium salts). The fumes dense on cool surfaces to yield dim gems with a metallic radiance 1813-Charles-Bernard Desormes and Nicolas Clement report new substance saw by Courtois (1811), in the wake of researching his perceptions. Gay Lussac independantly builds up Iodine as a component. He thinks about Iodine to Chlorine and hydroiodic corrosive to hydrochloric corrosive. It was a familiar way of thinking that these two components and their comparing acids contained Oxygen Electrical resistivity [/10-8 W m; or mW cm]: > 1015 Common Sources of Iodine-Where does iodine originate from? On the off chance that you said ocean growth and consumed wipes you're not absolutely off-base. Normal wellsprings of iodine incorporate shellfishes, vegetables, and in a lot lesser degrees, oat. Iodine is available in T3 and T4 (thyroxine) hormones that are the dynamic pr ... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Polio essays

Polio expositions Prior to the improvement of the Salk and Sabin antibodies, polio was a genuine disease that influenced the focal sensory system; anyway with appropriate immunizations it very well may be annihilated in the United States today. There are various types of polio. They incorporate spinal polio, non-disabled structure, and crippled polio. Spinal polio is the most widely recognized structure that happens when polio infections assault nerve cells and control the muscles of the legs, arms, trunk, stomach, midsection, and pelvis. Solidness in the neck and back additionally may create. (World Book Encyclopedia) Non-incapacitated type of polio has numerous side effects. It is joined by sickness, cerebral pain, sore throat, back torment, neck agony, and firmness. There are changes in reflex and raised spinal liquid tally. Around sixty-five percent of known cases during the episode of polio were non-immobile. Immobile polio just has a couple of minor manifestations, yet it has shortcoming in at least one muscle gatherings. (Polio Fact Sheet) There are three infections that can cause polio, type I, II, III. They develop in living cells and get in the body through the nose and mouth, and afterward it is conveyed to the digestive organs. Poliomyelitis has a few side effects. Probably the most serious are loss of motion, fever, hardened neck, queasiness, and shortcoming in the muscle gatherings. (Infections, 106) Post-Polio Syndrome is likewise a manifestation and a late symptom of polio. Overcomers of the Post-Polio Syndrome experience joint agony, solid decay, less nerves, and they become more vulnerable at a quicker rate. (Dempsey, 2) Polio antibodies give deep rooted insusceptibility by two different ways, by inoculation and regular contamination with the infection. (Polio Vaccines) There are two antibodies: the oral polio immunization and the inactivated polio immunization. The oral polio immunization was imagined by Albert Sabin in 1961. (Polio Vaccines) It is a debilitated, live infection, which can be taken orally. This immunization produces antibodies in the blood to battle the infection. ... <!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Difference Between Intrinsic and Instrumental Value

Contrast Between Intrinsic and Instrumental Value The qualification among natural and instrumental worth is one of the most key and significant in moral hypothesis. Luckily, it isn't hard to get a handle on. You esteem numerous things, for example, excellence, daylight, music, cash, truth, and equity. To esteem something is to have an uplifting demeanor toward it and to lean toward its reality or event over its nonexistence or nonoccurence. You can esteem it as an end, as a way to some end, or both. Instrumental Value You esteem most things instrumentally, that is, as a way to some end. Normally, this is self-evident. For example, you esteem a clothes washer that works-only for its helpful capacity, or instrumental worth. In the event that there were a modest cleaning administration nearby that got and dropped off your clothing, you may utilize it and sell your clothes washer since it no longer has any instrumental incentive to you. One thing almost everybody esteems somewhat is cash. Yet, it is generally esteemed simply as a necessary chore. It has instrumental worth: It gives security, and you can utilize it to buy things you need. Separated from its buying influence, cash is only a heap of printed paper or scrap metal. Inborn Value There are two ideas of inborn worth. It very well may be: Significant in itself Valued by somebody for the wellbeing of its own In the event that something has characteristic incentive in the main sense, this implies the universe is by one way or another a superior spot for that thing existing or happening. Utilitarian rationalists like John Stuart Mill guarantee that delight and joy are significant all by themselves. A universe wherein a solitary aware being is encountering delight is superior to one in which there are no conscious creatures. It is an increasingly important spot. Immanuel Kant holds that really good activities are naturally significant. He would state that a universe where discerning creatures perform great activities from a feeling of obligation is a naturally preferable spot over a universe wherein this doesn’t occur. The Cambridge scholar G.E. Moore says that a world containing common excellence is more important than a world without magnificence, regardless of whether there is nobody there to encounter it. To these savants, these things are for the most part significant all by themselves. This first thought of natural worth is dubious. Numerous logicians would state that it looks bad to discuss things being important in themselves except if they are really esteemed by somebody. Indeed, even joy or bliss are just characteristically significant on the grounds that they are experienced by somebody. Incentive for the good of Its Own Concentrating on the second feeling of natural worth, the inquiry emerges: What do individuals esteem for the wellbeing of its own? The most clear applicants are delight and satisfaction. Individuals esteem numerous things-riches, wellbeing, magnificence, companions, training, work, houses, vehicles, and clothes washers since they figure those things will give them joy or satisfy them. It might apparently bode well to inquire as to why individuals need them. Be that as it may, both Aristotle and Mill brought up that it doesn’t bode well to inquire as to why an individual needs to be glad. A great many people esteem not just their own bliss, they likewise esteem the joy of others. They are here and there ready to forfeit their own bliss for somebody else’s. Individuals likewise penance themselves or their bliss for different things, for example, religion, their nation, equity, information, truth, or craftsmanship. Those are everything that pass on the second attribute of natural worth: They are esteemed by somebody for the wellbeing of their own.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Sample

Essay SampleCollege essays are a time consuming, tedious and difficult task for students. Usually a college essay is a long, detailed and original work that has to be drafted meticulously. There are several kinds of college essay samples available to help students with the purpose.There are many instances where students write high school essay samples of birthday party. In such a case they tend to need some type of assistance to guide them and make the paper more readable. College age students are very different from their high school counterparts and hence it is necessary to use proper essay samples. They are considered to be the best introduction for college students to take a first look at the task ahead.When writing the student's essay, there are a number of factors that have to be considered. A number of factors like format, grammar, style and writing style have to be observed and analyzed. These have to be explained by the student in detail and afterwards the writer should try to memorize and understand the written piece.The college level essay samples are useful in order to help students prepare for the college-level essay. These samples help in developing strong academic skills, punctuation, grammar and organization skills. Some of the popular college essays sample include: geography, literature, communications, ethics, political science, psychology, philosophy, etc. All these sample essays can be easily accessed and downloaded from the web.The college level has a lot of diverse areas for the students to choose from. It may come as a surprise to some students but a majority of the courses have a majority of international students. Therefore, students of the different nationalities who attend the college are all asked to write papers that are very similar to each other. That is why it is very important to produce as close a copy of the piece as possible in order to study it and enhance one's writing skills.There are a number of writing services that offe r college-level essay samples. These writing services allow the students to get professional help whenever they require it. Moreover, some of the writers also provide essay samples in various formats. These services help in maintaining proper academic records and also help in improving writing skills.The essay samples of birthday party help students understand the task ahead. It is a great opportunity for the students to develop their writing skills and polish them too. These college essay samples are something that the students of today will have to take pride in. They are very useful for enhancing academic skills and also serve as practice to help prepare the students for the real task ahead.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Minimum Wage Is Awful - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 710 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/16 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Minimum Wage Essay Did you like this example? I think if we were to raise the minimum wage in the United States it would end up hurting out economy as a whole. There are many facts that show an increase in the minimum wage would hurt our economy. According to Christopher Ingraham the minimum wage in California has gradually been increasing since 2006. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Minimum Wage Is Awful" essay for you Create order The minimum wage in California is projected to hit $15 in 2022 which is concerning to the people that live there. Since the increase in minimum wage, California has experienced a decline in employment by ten percent and it is expected to rise as the minimum wage rises (Ingraham, Christopher. What Does a $15 Minimum Wage Do to the Economy? Economists Are Starting to Find out. The Washington Post, WP Company, 11 Jan. 2018). Millions of jobs are expected to be lost by 2024 when every state is projected to have $15 minimum wage. Even though it makes sense to raise minimum wage in California because of living expenses it will end up hurting them in the long run. The loss of millions of jobs is not the only bad thing about raising minimum wage. It will also cause the price of products to spike drastically and tax will increase when the minimum wage is increased. There have been many occasions where states have stated that employers have reduced their hours, for example Seattle. Many states already have an increased minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 and many states like our own have a state minimum wage that is actually higher than that. For some states raising the minimum wage by a small amount makes sense because of the cost of living in those states, but raising it to $15 will have an affect on many things throughout the economy. If the federal minimum wage were to go up to $15 we would see a decrease in the number of low-wage workers wanting to go to college and get a higher education to work their way towards a higher paying job. The low-wage workers wouldnt have any drive to improve their skills and get a better education. This will essentially lower the number of people going to college after high school and it would hurt our economy because our work force would be full of workers with no post secondary education. According to the Pew Research Center only 2.6 percent  of American workers earn the minimum wage and, not surprisingly, over just half of those workers are under the age of 24. Majority of the workers that are working at minimum wage are teenagers in high school and college that are working at part time jobs that will help them make money for things like spending and money for college. Raising the minimum wage will only benefit those working at those low paying job and will essentially be hurting the rest of society that is already earning more than the minimum wage. People pushing for this raise in minimum wage just want fairness, but according to someone attending Rutgers University what is considered fair is completely opinion based which is completely true. For example LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers makes 35.65 million dollars and his teammate Lonzo Ball makes 7.48 million. LeBron James is arguably one of the best players to ever play the game and has earned his paycheck. Lonzo is a second year player who still has to prove himself. This is why fairness is opinion because those two have the same job to do the same thing but LeBron has worked harder and longer and is essentially better at his job. The same can be said about other professional athletes because their skillsets are all different and there are players who have more experience than others because they have been doing it longer and have been put in difficult situations. So someone who is working at the federal minimum wage should not be making more money because it isnt fair. There is a reason that they are working at minimum wage they should also not earn more just because it isnt fair. In conclusion raising minimum wage will end up hurting the economy. Those who are working in higher paying jobs have most likely had more experience and skill than those working at minimum wage.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Where Am I by Daniel Dennett Essay - 956 Words

In Daniel Dennett’s piece of literature â€Å"Where Am I† tells the hypothetical scenario of Dennett who is approached by the pentagon to undergo a dangerous mission where he is asked to retrieve a radioactive warhead lodged deep underground. In order to retrieve the radioactive warhead, he must undergo a brain operation to fully remove the brain as the waves from the warhead only affect the brain.(Page 34) Along with the radioactivity affecting the brain, the pentagon wanted to monitor the brains activity while underground, thus being another reason for the operation. As Dennett is underground working on the warhead, his radio transmitters sending signals between his brain and his body began to fail which causes him to lose control and†¦show more content†¦The three responses to this longstanding issue in western philosophy include materialism, dualism and idealism. Materialism can be defined simply as the only things there are all material or physical things. Idealists believe that there are no material things; there are only minds, and thoughts and experiences. While dualists think that the mental and physical are deeply different in kind: thus the mental is at least not identical with the physical. Relating to Daniel Dennett’s essay â€Å"Where am I† if Yorrick (Dennett’s brain) were to die would Dennett continue to exist through Hubert (the computer program that functionally mirrors his brain)? Dennett would not be able to survive because even though Hubert functions like Yorrick, Hubert isn’t able to recall memories and thoughts that make up a large part of Dennett. An example of this would be if you were to put your brain in a famous singer’s body and take their brain, would you be where they were or would you be in school right now? If they were to get interviewed about their past, what would they say. Memories and our feelings are vital to who we are. The celebrity might claim to be you and be a ble to tell personal stories about you. So Even though Dennett continues to have basic function such as breathing and a heart beat, his trust testament to himself, which included his personality, intelligence, and desires are not shown through Hubert. If HubertShow MoreRelatedDaniel Dennett s Where Am I?1409 Words   |  6 PagesIn the essay Where am I?, Daniel Dennett’s uses a fictional account of a series of brain and body surgeries to illustrate various philosophical views of personal identity and the nature of consciousness. His tale begins by describing a top-secret government mission where he is tasked at retrieving a device that emits a special kind of radiation that completely destroys brain tissue (and no other bodily tissue). This device is stuck in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In an effort to preserve Dennett’s brain duringRead MoreAnalysis Of Daniel Dennett s Where Am I 1509 Words   |  7 PagesIn this Daniel Dennett’s essay â€Å"Where Am I?† Dennett tackles the difference between mind, body, and a person’s identity. In his story, Dennett has his brain removed and preserved in a vat. His body stays alive, and radio transmitters make it so he can still function. Dennett starts to question who and where â€Å"he† is. Though Dennett has several strong ideas, he isn’t correct in everything he suggests. When Dennett goes to view his brain, his first thought is that he is outside of the vat, lookingRead MoreAnalysis Of Daniel Dennett s Where Am I Essay1534 Words   |  7 Pagesother to function, but where do they join together to form a unique individual. To what extent do the mind and body bridge together to form a unique individual? Is there even a bridge that connects them or are the mind and body separate entities who solely rely on each other to function, but that’s where all the shared boundaries that create a person end. Daniel Dennett tackles these mind and body questions in his essay, Where Am I. In Daniel Dennett’s, Where Am I, Dennett agrees to undergo an operationRead MoreWhere Is Daniel Dennett (the Road)977 Words   |  4 PagesWhere is Daniel Dennett? Daniel Dennett was a special ops agent for the U.S. government who was placed in a very unique situation. In order to complete a secret government mission presumably during the cold war, he was required to have his brain removed. Dennett had to have his brain removed in order to extract a warhead buried a mile beneath Tulsa, Oklahoma. With his brain removed from his body, though still connected and in total control of his body through radio transmitters, he asked oneRead MoreIn Response to Daniel Dennetts Where Am I? Essay1119 Words   |  5 PagesOne potential worry that one might have upon reading Daniel Dennetts Where Am I?, is about the complications that might arise from Dennett categorizing his brain, who he calls Yorick, and his body, who he calls Hamlet, as two distinct entities. One may contend that the brain and the body are in fact only one entity, connected much in the same way that other peoples brains and bodies seem to be connectedÂâ€"however that may beÂâ€"with the exception of an unusually large temporal gap between DennettsRead MoreAn Extremely Interesting Thought Experiment1677 Words   |  7 PagesAn extremely interesting thought experiment conducted by philosopher Daniel Dennett is used to stimulate philosophical possibilities about personal identity. Dennett is to retrieve a radioactive w arhead, and must have his brain taken out for the period of the excursion due to the possibility of damaging his brain tissues. Upon wakening from the surgery, the underlying question appears for the first time: â€Å"Where am I?† – In the brain, or out here in my body, looking at my brain? Throughout the experimentRead MoreI Can Identify A Self1145 Words   |  5 PagesI can identify a â€Å"self† that was me at birth, is me now, and will be me at death. Hume explains self as this; â€Å"we can track our changes throughout our mental life from day to day, and this gives us a sense of connectedness that we call ‘self.’† Hume argued that all there is to ‘self’ is one perception after another. Although I do not have an awareness of when I was born, my first awareness was my 6th birthday and the one person that I wanted to be there did not show, needless to say I was a veryRead MoreA Dialogue Between Descartes and Me1851 Words à ‚  |  7 PagesDescartes: Well thanks for the compliment, Matt! So, you what is it that you wanted to speak with me about? Me: I have spent some time recently studying the works of such philosophers as Clark, Chalmers, and Dennett, and I have a number of questions for you pertaining to your traditional views of dualist nature of the person based on what these men have had to say on the topic. Descartes: I see - I know these thinkers very well. My dualist views lead me to believe that the mind is a nonphysical entityRead MoreThe Theory Of Consciousness And Its Effects On Society1363 Words   |  6 PagesWhen I think of consciousness, I seemed to compare this to the state of being aware of surroundings. Somehow, there are various theories that will argue that we can still be in the state of consciousness even when we are sleep as well as someone in a coma. Nonetheless, the term consciousness can be said to be inconclusive or even referred to an enigma. In fact, it is so mysterious that numerous philosophers and other experts such as Plato, Sigmund Freud and so many others to mention have exploredRead MoreWhy Functionalism Is A Better Theory Than Identity Theory1231 Words   |  5 PagesIn this essay, I am going to write a response to the objection raised by the functionalists towards identity theory. Identity theory is a form of physicalism; it states that a particular me ntal state is identical to a particular physical state of body and brain, for instance mental sensation such as pain is simply just the firing of C-fibres (Smart, 1959). This is a reductionist view as it reduces our psychological state to a materialistic and physical form. A prominent objection against identity

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Portrait of Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci Essay Example For Students

Portrait of Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci Essay The logical Standard of Art Measurement for a sure evaluation of works of art is based: on rare examples of the highest manifestations of the Six Elements of Art Power. That is to say: The greatest work of art in the world is that one in which we see manifested: First: A Subject which is Socially the most beneficent, of interest to the greatest number of people, and the noblest in Conception. Second: In which the Expression: on the faces of tlhe figures, in the details, and in the work as a whole-expresses profoundly that which the work is supposed to express. Third: In which the Composition is the most sublime. Fourth: In which the Drawing of all forms is the most true and effective in rendering Life, above all-Ideal Life. Fifth: In which the Color is the most varied and rich. Sixth: In which the surface Technique is the most vigor ous, appropriate, and unoffensively individual; the whole work of such a Quality, and so coordinated, as to insure a result, in which a Subject is expressed with the greatest Completeness and Harmony: so as to stir the highest emotions of the largest number of cultured people for the longest period of time. We consider a wvork of art great or trivial in ratio of the clegree to which it measures up to this standard. PORTRAIT-MAKING whether in paint or marble is an art by itself, above all as practised by the vast majority of those artists of to-day to whom it is merely a public highway in which to parade tricks of brush-work in paint or chisel marks in marble. Compared with ideal figure painting and sculpture it is and will always remain a second class art. This is because it requires less invention, less imagination, less poetry to make a first-class por trait than it does to make a first-class dramatic work, such as are the great works which serve as milestones along the historical path of art evolution. Of course, many artists who have made portrait making the main pursuit of their lives and have an inflated idea of its importance will deny this. This is because so few of them are able to detach them selves from their special pursuits and because most of them speak of their art when they really mean their artistry-their technique and brush-work -and so cannot see that Rembrandtfs artistry is not art a all but mere skill-and that what makes some of his portraits so very fine is not only his painting skill but his remarkable ability to invest his works with beauty of design-design of line and design of color-scheme-which lift them out of the class of mere portraits and put them into the class of imaginative pictures; one or two of them are, in addition, so searchingly interpreta tive as to raise them to the plane of expressive art. Of course, such portrait groups as Velasquezs Surrender of Breda and Rembrandts Syndics of the Drapers and Halss Banquet Portraits are superbly expressive creations which command our highest admiration. Portrait of Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci But while they do rouse the admiration of our intellect, they never command the homage of our soul which is a higher experience than mere admi ration of the mind. It is this which so many of our artists never learn until it is too late. They imagine that when they have surprised or astonished us by their dexterity or even make a decoratively charming composition, they have won a great victory, when in truth they have not reached even the outskirts of the inner sanctum where sits enthroned our ego ever on the alert and anxious for the arrival of lifting and awe-inspiring emotions such as make life for a man of fine culture really worth while. This is largely due also to the fact that many of our artists are mere dilettanti who have hugged to their breasts the childish and parasitical notion that an artist should never think of making any sort of appeal to the public-which is only another name for the universal consciousness; that he should think only of expressing himself in his own way; to paint, carve and write when he wants, what he wants and how he wants, and if the public does not like his work it can pass it by, ignoring the fact that a t ruly great artist will never be content to simply amuse himself with merely expressing his own capricious emotions like a Hottentot playing on a sand pile in the African jungle, but who will ever have before him the social soul with an ever burning desire to stir the emotions of mankind, to captivate it by producing works which as Taine truly said will forcefully appeal both to the humble and great. Certain it is that it is impossible to call any portrait picture a sublime creation, unless we except Leonardos Last Supper as a collection of portraits of Christ and his apostles. Importance of Arts Education Essay ThesisFifth, as to color: there remains little to be said since it has sombered somewhat with age. But we can say that the chosen color-scheme, a warm gray-scheme-harmonized, as it should, with the person and the mental state Leonardo aimed to portray. Sixth and last: the technique or painting is of that impersonal kind which makes it seem as if any consummate artist might have painted it; and yet it is personal enough to force us to feel that no other artist painted in just that manner. Therefore Leonardo here in this portrait wins out in every element of art power and distances nearly all of his competitors in the history of the art of portraiture. Not only does the Mona Lisa suggest Mona Lisa searching the soul of the great Leonardo while he painted her, and with whom she was, most likely, also discreetly in love, but she typifies the eternal feminine, ever kindly, even when most pes simistic, eternally inquisitive even when most cer tain, and ever skeptical even when most optimistic. Thus she is at once a type of a particular transient woman and a symbol of the everlasting feminine. Hence she at once makes an individual and universal appeal. Thus in this case Leonardo lifted portrait-making out of the category of merely representative art, beyond which few portraits ever go and places it in the highest category, that of expressive art; and he did his largely by spurning all childish stunts in artistry and those pitiably petty and temperamental and personal tricks of an egotis tic and parading mannerismn so dear to the vaude ville craftsman. And he did it finally with such rare and subtle power that the Mona Lisa will ever seem mysterious to those who cannot penetrate beyond the surface of things, but for those who see deeply he made of it not only a mere decorative record of a person, but a beautiful poetic creation which across the centuries has roused the emotions of prince, priest and peasant. That is why it is great and why it will always remain as a model for every portrait artist who wishes to achieve a place in the affections of people to whom poetic and spiritual art makes a supreme appeal.